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CEOs: Alignment, Motivation & Resources- Employee Engagement in Enterprise Risk Management Strategy

This article follows on from the first article of the series: #1 CEOs: Introduction to Employee Engagement in Your Enterprise Risk Management Strategy

The Four Pillar Model for Improving Employee Engagement and Risk Management

The Four Pillar Model is a popular model employed for employee engagement strategies. The four pillars include; alignment, motivation, resources and capability. This article covers the first three, with the fourth in a separate blog (#3 CEOs: Capability and Risk Team & HR Integration – Employee Engagement in Enterprise Risk Management Strategy).


Our Integrated Management System (MSX) merges all organizational systems and processes in to one common cohesive framework that drives business excellence and ensures continual improvement. MSX enables business leadership to view management performance across the business activities and assists leaders to make informed actionable decisions.


  1. Alignment

Do the employees know what the business needs in order for it to be successful? The objectives, goals and targets? The reasoning for those? Do they understand and agree, and align their everyday goals to these?


How does leadership communicate the business core values – do they embody them, do they actively practice them, or do they just tell employees what they are? Has leadership explained this cruciality of risk management to each department?


Management is the glue between leadership and the employees.

Has management explained to employees how their individual actions impact the business? Do they understand the necessity for their work being meticulous? How does management coach employees to be engaged and successful?

  1. Motivation

How do you motivate your employees? Are they committed to the success of the company, and achieving its goals and objectives? Do they know what role they play in the overall functioning of the company? Do they understand their individual importance as a person, in their work and in their everyday actions? Do they understand and align their core values with the company’s? Do they respect leadership? Have you genuinely gone out of your way to give them a reason to, instead of relying on your title?

  1. Resources

Have you provided all the tools that the team member needs in order to be successful? Is a lack of resources or tools impacting their level of performance or efficiency? Are there resources for goals that are at cross-purposes? This is not to say you need to spend a fortune on resources, but rather chat to your employees about what they need, and find out what the best and most affordable option would be.

This article is the second of a three-part series. The other two are as follows;

#1 CEOs: Introduction to Employee Engagement in Your Enterprise Risk Management Strategy

#3 CEOs: Capability and Risk Team & HR Integration – Employee Engagement in Enterprise Risk Management Strategy

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