XGRC Highlights Security and Compliance at Securex/OHSAS 2018
Security and compliance have become the biggest concerns of organisations worldwide, as new legislation and technology developments force businesses to improve their daily operations and deal with increasing cyber threats that affect their bottom line.
XGRC Software has partnered with Africa’s biggest security and fire trade exhibition, Securex, now running in its 25th year, to bring to the forefront the importance of well-appointed integrated management system (IMS) solutions to drive corporate governance, compliance, security, sustainability and performance in organisations.
XGRC Software will sponsor the event’s Cyber Security Demo Area focusing on enterprise-grade security management infrastructure and software. It will also present its integrated information security systems solutions, specifically MSXCyber.
Securex runs alongside OHSAS – the leading occupational health and safety trade exhibition in the country, at the Gallagher Convention Centre, from 22 to 24 May. Both are regarded as the go-to industry events with regards to security, and health and safety policies.
SHEQX’s solution transforms your company’s data into rich visuals for you to collect and organise, so you can focus on what matters to you. Stay in the know, spot trends as they happen and push your business further.
At the OHSAS, XGRC Software will focus on workplace health, wellness and safety solutions, particularly SHEQX and OCCX, to address occupational health prevention, protection and compliance scenarios, as well as proper monitoring of workplace safety culture, employee wellness and the impact on business performance.
XGRC Software’s cloud-based integrated management solutions provide a management framework structured around international management standards and guidelines such as ISO 90001 – 2015, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001 – 2015, ISO 45001, ISO 27001 and KING IV.
MSX Cyber, part of the XGRC product range, assists organisations to drive performance and compliance with its integrated information security management system built on the ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 27001 Information Security framework.
The SHEQX (Health, Safety, Environment and Quality) management solution, part of the XGRC product range, is an integrated management system that aggregates SHEQ data in a single, auditable database. SHEQX assists in driving compliance with international standards and guidelines, e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and more.
The Occupational Health and Wellness Management Solution (OCCX), part of the XGRC Software range, integrates recruitment and hiring, employee/occupational health, medical interventions, medical surveillance, workplace injury management and employee wellness programs into one comprehensive solution.