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XGRC Compliance

XGRC Compliance Hub is our integrated RFQ and tender management solution. This Microsoft Azure, cloud-based platform is expertly designed to ensure complete visibility of suppliers on a centrally vetted database available to the private sector.

XGRC Compliance Hub

XGRC Compliance Hub allows companies the ability to screen their suppliers’ level of compliance in terms of the Legal Companies Act, B-BBEE and Technical compliance, ensuring optimal business operations.

Supplier compliance

Replaces the labor-intensive, traditional vendor application process with in-depth vetting of your suppliers’ compliance.

Client dashboard

The client dashboard provides a view of suppliers’ compliance, allowing suppliers to maintain their profiles, which are re-vetted instantly whenever any information is updated or changed.

Mobile application

A mobile application is available for suppliers to vet their supplied documentation with the issuing institutions.

How will Compliance HUB improve RFQ and tender management?

RFQs are issued for specific commodities rather than selected suppliers, ensuring equal opportunities for all participants.

The buyer determines the adjudication criteria, and RFQs are sent exclusively to registered and vetted suppliers, promoting transparency in the buying process. Furthermore, submitted RFQ responses are automatically adjudicated based on the established criteria, streamlining the evaluation process.

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