Our Integrated Management System (MSX) merges all organizational systems and processes in to one common cohesive framework that drives business excellence and ensures continual improvement. MSX enables business leadership to view management performance across the business activities and assists leaders to make informed actionable decisions. This means that a company can have a combination of any number of management disciplines such as quality, health and safety, environment, business continuity management, food safety and many more that will enable compliance with ISO international standards and guidelines.


How will an Integrated Management System benefit your business?

Eliminate conflicting responsibilities and relationships.
Reduce duplication, paper work and therefore costs.
Turn the focus onto business goals.
User friendly.
Harmonize and optimise practices creating consistency.
Improve communication and facilitate training and development.
Reduce risks and increase profitability.
Balance conflicting objectives.

Some of our most popular MSX modules


Involve and engage people who may be affected by the decisions an organisation makes.


Manage organisational change and growth of the company. Manage high-level processes and procedures and carry out routine management reviews.


Allows for the management of events as well as Non-conformances and the process needed to implement ways of mitigating the impact of them.


Manages employee competencies and training requirements, thereby ensuring the right person with the right skills is assigned to the right job.


Enables identification and documentation of quality events routing of events appropriately, enforcing of structured root cause investigations and implementation of corrective actions.

Change Management

Assists with the coordination of a structured process for changes and their associated benefits and costs.

Inspections Management

Carrying out of Risk Based Continuous Inspections in support of ongoing mitigation of risk.

Risk Assessment

Enables leadership and management to manage, mitigate and prevent risk and to identify potential opportunities.

Objective & Targets

Evaluate and monitor objectives and their associated targets.


Ensures that operations conform with what has been planned and where there are variations, adjustments can be made.


Determine external and internal issues and interested parties that are relevant to the organisation’s strategies and initiatives.

Audit Management

Allows for Audit planning and execution and follow up of actions related to audit findings.

Document Template Control

Manage, view and update templates that are available to users.

Stakeholder Engagement

Involve and engage people who may be affected by the decisions it makes or can influence the implementation of: Community, Contractor, Supplier, Customer, Shareholder, Governments and Union Management


Booking, tracking, measuring and monitoring equipment that requires calibration at prescribed intervals.

Legal Appointments

Enable the tracking of critical dates, expiry dates and conditions to ensure compliance.

Strategy & Initiatives

Define and manage company internal and external strategies and initiatives.


Provide documented information that is applicable to the size of an organisation and its type of activities, processes, products and services.

Performance Evaluation

Establish, implement and maintain an Audit Management process for periodic evaluation and documenting of compliance.

Event Management

Enables a complete life-cycle approach to managing all aspects and stages associated of all events, emergencies and near misses.

Meeting Manager

Manage Management Reviews and any other type of of meetings effectively, schedule, track and record all management review meetings with related documents.

Document Manager

Store, organize, and locate documents and ensure the consistency of documents.


Determine the internal and external communications required that are relevant to the company.

Legal Compliance

Ensure ongoing, up-to-date compliance with legislative and corporate requirements by tracking regulatory parameters and legal requirements through the MSX legislation database.

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